Who are we and what are we doing?

V4FREO is a nonpartisan group of people from the Fremantle electorate who want politics to be better. We want our representatives to truly represent us, not just the party line. We want policy to be based on evidence and compassion, not ideology and lobby groups. 

We are not a political party - we believe our community has been failed by the party system. As a community organisation, we're guided by some core values: openness, integrity, equality and justice. We want to see positive change that serves the common good. 

Our journey has begun with listening to our community to really understand what local, state and national issues matter to people.

Want to help?

Be a volunteer (organise events, make phone calls, knock on doors, whatever you can do)

Pitch a candidate (maybe even be a candidate?)

Attend one of our Community Conversations (or run one yourself)

Be a donor (every $ helps)

      Right now, it would be great if you could sign up to our members list so we can build our network of friends and supporters.

      V4FREO in the Media